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[ADDONS] Headshot Only + Respawn
Author : mihay111, Category : Addons-uri, 0 Replyes, 518 Views
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Suit Member
03-12-2021, 01:51 PM
DescriereAddons respawn doar cu headshoturi! Nu e un addons incarcat, aveti cam toate sursele. Un plugin trebuie editat, amx_who, pentru ca are o reclama (asa l-am luat de pe net si nu am verificat). Ca sa mearga amx_who puneti amx_who.amxx sus de tot in lista plugins.ini. Configuratiile gradelor:

"Helper Grad 1",
"Helper Grad 2",
"Nume Rezervat"

" abcdefgijnopqrstum",
" bcdefgijpqum",

1. Ai la fiecare spawn 150 HP&AP.
2. Primesti 45HP / headshot si 25HP / kill normal.
3. Sari de 3 ori.
4. Scrii cu verde in chat + TAG.
5. Ai acces la chatul adminilor.
6. Apari pe TAB si /vips.
7. Ai acces la skinuri de VIP.

Am facut si un .html care arata acestea in joc (/vip). Ca sa dati VIP puneti flagul "t", am facut si pluginul de skinuri pe acelasi flag > /models. Este si un sistem de TAG si un top nou. Testat pe ReHLDS, Respawn 2.1.3d KWo. O sa ruleze si pe HLDS simplu.


statsx.amxx  ; top15 nou
hsonly.amxx ; doar hs
HzHp_On_Kill.amxx ; primesti hp pe kill
reset_score_3.amxx ; rs
weapon_icon.amxx ; sprite arme
amx_gag.amxx ; gag
amx_lastip.amxx ; ultimele ipuri
amx_showip.amxx ; arata ipurile
amx_ss.amxx ; ss
blind.amxx ; blind
abd.amxx ; arata dmg
admin_spec_esp.amxx ; spec esp
amx_who.amxx ; arata adminii
grenade_trail.amxx ; "coada" la grenade
VIPRS.amxx ; vip
admin_model_menu.amxx ; vip + admin schimba skin
Bullet_Whizz.amxx ; sunete la gloante
AdminPrefixes.amxx ; tag
join_ip.amxx ; arata cnad se conecteaza cineva

;rename this file to disabled-csdm.ini to turn it off.
;rename it back to plugins-csdm.ini to turn it on.

;put a semi-colon in front of a plugin to disable it.
;add the word debug after a plugin to place it in debug mode
; for example: csdm_main.amxx debug
;remove a semi-colon to re-enable a plugin

;Main plugin, required for most cases

;Weapons and equipment menus

;Enables preset spawning and the preset spawning editor
;Map config files are located in configs/csdm

;Miscellanious extra features, such as ammo refills
; and basic objective removals

; Extra objective removals

;Spawn protection

;Adds free-for-all mode (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)

;Round ticketing mode, like FireArms.  First team to use all
; of their death points loses the ability to respawn.
; (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)

;Item mode (from CSDM1) with Item Editor
;Must be enabled in csdm.cfg as well (at the very bottom)

Autor: eu (mihay111 / mihayNR.1)
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Alte precizari: -
Mihai nu face flotari, el le cumpara gata facute!
Mihai s-a nascut intr-o cabana construita de el.
Mihai a omorat 50 de teroristi din 2 gloante.Primul a fost de avertizare.
Mihai poate sa isi faca poze cu telefonul fix.
Mihai a raspuns la un apel pierdut.
Singura femeie care si-a permis sa faca glume despre Mihai a fost Elodia, de aia nu mai este.
Cand Mihai iti arata degetul nu o face ca sa te injure... doar iti arata cate secunde mai ai de trait!
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Messages In This Thread
[ADDONS] Headshot Only + Respawn - by mihay111 - 03-12-2021, 01:51 PM

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