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Deathrun_Shop [AMXX]
Author : Cr[U]sH^, Category : AmxModx, 0 Replyes, 686 Views
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01-21-2012, 01:26 PM
Descriere: Acest plugin este de tip Fun ,playeri pot cumpara abilitati tastand /drshop...Este tradus 100% in ROMANA .

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1.Fisierul DeathrunShop_Cfg il puneti in addons/amxmodx/configs
2.Fisierul DeathrunShopLang.txt il puneti in addons/amxmodx/data/lang
3.Fisierul Deathrun_Shop.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
4.Fisierul Deathrun_Shop.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
5.Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:


Comezi publice:
/puncte - afiseaza in chat punctele jucatorului
/drshop -afiseaza meniu hud cu abilitatile care le pot cumpara cu puncte

Comenzi admini:
deathrun_set_points Nume/@all <puncte>
deathrun_reset_points nume/@all

Cvar-uri :

// Plugin enabled?
deathrun_shop "1"

// He item cost
deathrun_he_cost "10"

// Both grenades cost
deathrun_bothgrenades_cost "20"

// Silent cost
deathrun_silent_cost "24"

// Health cost
deathrun_health_cost "30"

// Armor cost
deathrun_armor_cost "15"

// Speed cost
deathrun_speed_cost "39"

// Gravity cost
deathrun_gravity_cost "41"

// Invisibility cost
deathrun_invisibility_cost "69"

// Speed power cvar
deathrun_speed_power "800.0"

// Gravity power cvar
deathrun_gravity_power "0.3"

// Enable advertise message?
deathrun_advertise_message "1"

// Health item cvar
deathrun_health_points "255"

// Armor item cvar
deathrun_armor_points "400"

// Advertise time, in case if is enabled
deathrun_advertise_time "7.0"

// Percent to invisibility.. -> 0 to 255 (100 default)
deathrun_invisibility_percentage "111"

// Bonus points when you kill an enemy
deathrun_killer_bonuspoints "5"

// Lost points for suicider
deathrun_suicider_loose_points "3"

// Save player points on disconnect?
deathrun_save_points "1"

// Noclip item cost
deathrun_noclip_cost "50"

// Noclip duration
deathrun_noclip_duration "2"

// Jetpack item cost
deathrun_jetpack_cost "60"

// Jetpack duration
deathrun_jetpack_duration "10"

// Deagle item cost
deathrun_deagle_cost "31"

// Longjump item duration
deathrun_longjump_duration "6"

// Longjump item cost
deathrun_longjump_cost "46"

// Cost for glow
deathrun_glow_cost "8"

// Cost for nvg
deathrun_nvg_cost "33"

MoDule Necesare:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>
#include <nvault>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>

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